eXecutive director

Mr. Jerue is the Executive Director of Action Aid Program. He does not only have the passion to help and/or assist individuals and organizations that need help, but he also seeks to identify indigent individuals and provide much needed help. Although Mr. Jerue takes no salary for his time at AAP, he spends more than six hours daily at his office assisting people. He is a web designer, and he assist New Americans with business start-up paperwork, including registration with State, EIN, 501-C-3, etc. VOLUNTARY SERVICES

Mrs. Jerue is the Board Coordinator. She is a student of Social Science and has great passion to serve humanity, especially children and those with physical, emotional and cognitive disabilities. VOLUNTARY SERVICES


Mr. Jerue is the Technical Director of Action Aid Program. With Prince, our technical worries are gone. He is very handy too. Prince works the camera, edit videos and design production.  VOLUNTARY SERVICES